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E-minis are futures contracts that represent a fraction of the value of standard futures. They are traded primarily on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's Globex 4 Oct 2019 E-mini is an electronically traded futures contract that is a fraction of the value of a corresponding standard futures contract.
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公司全称: Pro Emini Futures Broker. 公司注册国家: 美国. 监管状态: 暂无监管--客服电话: 877-251-1363,219-202-8600. 官方Q Q:--客服邮箱: info@proemini.com. 我来纠错 我要曝光 CME集团宣布推出Micro E-mini股指期货
2016年6月7日 E-mini Dow Jones @US$5, 迷你道鐘斯指數@ 5 美元, USD, 3,905, 3,550, 1,788. 芝加哥商品交易所(CME) ( CME Group GLOBEX )